Have you ever heard yourself muttering any of the following:-
I don’t know what/who it is that I’m meant to be…I don’t know what I want to do….I don’t know what I’m good at?
It can feel like a despair when you’re uncertain of why you’re here on earth and what it is you’re meant to be doing.
As a coach I relish getting people on their path. Once we’re on the road to destiny we are in a ‘content’ and positive state. It’s a very nurturing place. You can be there in 2023.
If you can imagine the freedom you feel, the awe of life when you come into the world as a new born baby. That’s what we’re aiming to get back to.
But life, people, parenting, schools, media, films and so on…they have conditioned us to become more compliant, less angry, more angry, more tolerant, less inquisitive and curious.
New experiences made us feel magical and were the world was full of wonder. We were loving life every day because there was always something new to learn.
We gradually forgot that simple stuff. Gratitude was the key then. Life became more arduous and serious. The magic slowly left us.
I strip people back to what they feel would be a version of this reality. Then they can see what’s on top of that – what feelings, grief, resentments are in the way.
We need to go through the onion layers to get us back to the feelings when we were young. We can then start to remember what our ideals were and what we wanted to do and be.
It is not necessary to do years and years of therapy to get through that surface stuff. You may need some professional help with the emotional processing.
There is no real fast track to this but there are techniques that we can use to get you here. Here are 5 tips to help you explore the sub-conscious:-
1. Journal as often as you can, the writing down of thoughts and feelings on a regular basis gives you an idea of where you are and what is troubling you.
2. Write down a list of things you like and things you don’t like doing. This sounds quite vague and a comprehensive task but it will be very useful for you to gain clarity. If you are determined enough you could be more specific – what skills are you good at? Do you like drawing or prefer writing? Do you prefer speaking rather than emailing? Are you better with your hands than you are thinking?
3. When you have done task 2 study your answers, have a look at all the tings you like and see if there are any careers which would contain some of those skills. For instance if you like crime dramas what particularly do you like about them? Is there something you could study to enhance that desire?
4. Look at your old photos, school books, talk to your old school friends, ask them what they remember of you. This can trigger memories, thoughts, feelings and even smells.
5. Left hand writing. Some say if you want to communicate with your inner child/true self/spirit this is a very tangible way of getting answers. Try it but clear your mind first – imagine your inner child listening and ask him the question. Pick up a pen and write whatever comes to you with your left hand. Try and keep your mind free of any negative thoughts during this process.
If you’re like me you might need someone to support you and help get you clearer with your vision, maybe to hold you accountable. If that’s the case send me an email and let’s have a call. martyn@becomeunstuck.co.uk